
【シュシュ】シンプルでかわいいコットンニットのシュシュ/ Simple and cute cotton knitted scrunchie

¥860 tax included

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Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥7,000 will be free.

This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

PY Koboでは、オリジナルのクラフトを作成しています。


A. サファイア: 白のラインが入った青色シュシュ。普段使いに。
B. ブラック: ベージュのラインが入った黒色シュシュ。オフィス使いにも。
C. エメラルド: 赤のラインが入ったクリスマスカラーの緑色シュシュ。プレゼントにもピッタリです。
D. レッド: 緑のラインが入ったクリスマスカラーの赤色シュシュ。プレゼントにもピッタリです。

・サイズ:約13 cm (手作りのため誤差が生じます)



・定形外郵便: 追跡×/補償×
・ゆうパケット: 追跡○/補償×
・ネコポス: 追跡○/補償○
★全国一律 定形外郵便 140円 (日本国内)
★全国一律 ゆうパケット 310円 (日本国内)

PY Kobo has created original crafts.

They are scrunchies, knitting with soft touch 100% cotton knits, that you can use throughout the year.
We hope you like them.

You can choose the colour of the scrunchie.

A. Sapphire: blue scrunchie with a white line
=>For everyday use
B. Black: Black scrunchie with a beige line
=>For office use
C. Emerald: Christmas colour green scrunchie with red line
=>Perfect for gifts
D. Red: Christmas colour red scrunchie with green line
=>Perfect for gifts

[Precautions when purchasing]
*They are made to order.
*Please note. Because they are handmade, we would like to ask for a purchase after having understood beforehand that there are individual differences unique to handmade works.
*We will respond if this is due to a mistake such as "the delivered product is different" or "the design of the delivered product is completely different".
*When shipping, we will remove the thickness and fold it before sending it, so when you receive it, please arrange the shape and use it.
*The displayed price is the price of one item.
*In Japan, it takes about 10 days to ship. Please note it may take some time to ship if there are many orders, because it is made to order, 
*Please let us know the following choices in the remarks column when ordering.
Please enter the following choices in the remarks column when you order.
A. Sapphire
B. Black
C. Emerald
D. Red

[About shipping costs]
*Free shipping on purchases over 7,000 yen!
*If you purchase more than one, we may change the shipping method. (We will contact you by email in advance.)
*Nationwide uniform non-standard-size mail: 140 yen (in Japan)
*Nationwide uniform Yu-packet 310 yen (in Japan)
*For shipping charges outside Japan, refer to the PY Kobo branches.

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¥860 tax included
